The Magic3 Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter with Sure-Grip Gripping Device from adds control at the tip of the catheter and a no-touch insertion technique. This Hydrophilic Catheter comes in a sterile, single unit package.
Ultra-soft outer layer to maximize comfort: The gentle outer layer is soft silicone with a nano-smooth surface. It provides reduced trauma and maximized comfort at the critical interface between the catheter and sensitive urethral tissue.
Firm middle layer for easy handling: The middle layer of proprietary silicone gives the catheter a precise level of firmness for quick, simple insertion. It makes the catheter easy to handle without sacrificing the comfort provided by the ultra-soft outer layer.
Pliable innermost layer for easy navigation: The soft innermost layer is made with an especially pliable silicone, that helps assure the catheter can navigate the urethra without unnecessary force. Additionally, this layer resists kinking and leverages the hydrophobic characteristics of silicone for efficient, reliable drainage.
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