My Good Sense Motion Sickness Review
Let me tell you about my experience with Good Sense. Several years ago my wife and I were on our way to a tennis match in Erie, Pa. On the way there, I became very sick. I was nauseous, sweating, headache, etc… I felt as if I was getting the flu. My wife wanted to turn around but me being stubborn, had already paid for the hotel, enter fee, etc… and would have not been refunded.
So we trudged onward! We, unfortunately, had to stop several times due to my queasiness. At one stop, at a gas station, which was in the middle of nowhere, my wife went into the convenience store to purchase over the counter medicine for me. There she saw Good Sense! It was cheaper than Dramamine, plus Dramamine makes me very sleepy, (even the non-drowsy formula). By this point, I was actually ready to turn around and head for a hospital. I felt that bad!
Anyway, she came out and gave me two tablets of motion sickness pills. Now please understand, at the time, I had no idea of what she gave me. We continued towards our destination. What seemed to me like hours had pasted, was really only fifteen minutes.
Within that time, I was completely cured! As if it was a miracle! I looked at the box to see what she had given me and noticed it was Good Sense Original Formula Motion Sickness medicine. Now, I know different medicine affects people differently, but for me, I will always this brand over any other motion sickness medication. For just recently, I have discovered that, I am one of these people who get extreme motion sickness. So I would like to Thank you Good Sense. Thanks to your medication, my wife and I have a great time on our get-a-way and I won my tennis match.
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Reviewed by: Glenn Smith from Latrobe, PA on 12/13/2014
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